The Bitburger Code of Responsible Product Marketing
As a producer of alcoholic beverages, we obviously have a special responsibility toward our valued consumers. This is why the Bitburger Braugruppe Group has established and applies a binding Code of Responsible Product Marketing. Linked to a central issue that is very close to our hearts, it sets a clear framework for the Group’s marketing activities – and every single employee and contractor that we work with must abide by it. By upholding this Code, we seek to make an effective contribution to the responsible enjoyment of our products. And to top it all off, we even took our initiative one step further – in global terms – by extending the Code to all our international business units worldwide this year. After all, responsible product marketing can only be effective if it’s applied across the board by everyone.
Here at Bitburger, our business activities fulfill this Code on many levels, and we’ve already implemented countless measures to satisfy it. For example, we offer a large range of delicious nonalcoholic alternatives to beer that are equally as popular with our customers (e.g. Bitburger 0.0% Drive, Fassbrause, Kandi Malz). Above all, however, we’re a passionate supporter of the important “Don’t drink and drive” initiative in Germany DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE ( And we think we can influence a lot of consumers in that way, particularly as we head into the festive Christmas party season.
Need all the facts and details? Then read our Code of Responsible Product Marketing in its entirety here: Bitburger International: Company (
Thanks for taking this particular issue seriously and applying the Code in all your marketing activities!
* In Vertriebspartnerschaft für die Benediktiner Weissbräu GmbH bzw. die CREW Republic Brewery GmbH